2024-2-7 9:37:6
jb offers several Plastic Film Capacitors. Among them, JFB is the most common series of film capacitors With its Self-Healing performance and can be used with filtering, DC blocking coupling and general communication equipment.
extended foil
dip coated,
high moisture resistance.
Coated with epoxy resin for superior heat resistance, humidity resistance and solvent resistance.
Datasheet for JFB below for your reference:
If you have any requirements, feel free to drop us a message!

2021-6-29 15:56:23
Jb capacitors company is professional in manufacturing Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors. Our JFB series is one of the top sellers. This product is also known as CL21. It’s great substitution of Vishay MKT 368, Epcos B32591~B32594. Mainly used in power supplies, electronics ballasts etc.
We support very competitive prices and superior product quality.
JFB Specifications:
Operating Temperature: -40°C~ +85°C
Rated Voltage: DC 100V, 250V, 400V, 630V
Capacitance Range: 0.01 ~ 6.8μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±5%, ±10%, ±20%
Packing: Bulk or Ammo package

2020-6-24 15:18:37
The most common capacitors for the application of electronic circuits today. There are several material of metallized film capacitors including polyester, polypropylene, polystyrene.
JFB is categorized into Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor, which it has below features. And, it typically is designed for the application of bypassing and coupling.
Non-inductive, extended foil, dip coated, high moisture resistance.
Good reputation in use with filtering, DC blocking coupling and general communication equipment.
High reliable with its Self-Healing performance.
Coated with epoxy resin for superior heat resistance, humidity resistance and solvent resistance.
jb has great sell for this series, and we are having best price for this series. If you are looking for cost down without quality loss, you can contact jb Capacitors Company.

2017-7-26 21:15:58
Recently, the weather is extremely hot, the Observatory of China has been repeatedly announced the hot occurrence of the Red and Orange. In order to take good care of our employees, jb. Our production line workers will enjoy one week holiday, while our sales office will still open from Monday to Friday to serve our customers. If you want to place an order, please contact with us as soon as possible to speed up the production time!
In addition, jb Capacitors warmly remind you to drink more water and not to be under the blazing sun for a long time, it is liable to get sunstroke in the hot temperature. More information please visit jb Capacitors official website: http://www.jbcapacitors.com/

2014-2-26 9:28:59
jb Capacitors Конденсаторы серии JFB выполнены по технологии metallized polyester film: в качестве диэлектрика в этих конденсаторах используется полиэстеровая (полиэтилентерефталатная) пленка, с напылением слоя металла (металлизацией). Корпус выполнен с эпоксидным покрытием, повышающим параметры теплостойкости, влагостойкости а также увеличивающим сопротивление к воздействию внешних агрессивных сред и растворителей.
Конденсаторы серии JFB – это аналог существующих серий B32591 … B32594 от Epcos, MKT 368 от Vishay, ECQE от Panasonic, MKS от Wima. Конденсаторы данной категории более известны под названиями K73-17 на отечественном рынке, и CL21 – на зарубежном.
*Материал диэлектрика: полиэтилентерефталат
*Номинальное напряжение: 100 В (2A), 250 В (2E), 400 В (2G), 630 В (2J) постоянного тока
*Диапазон номиналов емкостей: 0.01 ~ 6.8 мкФ
*Допустимое отклонение емкости: ±5%, ±10%, ±20%
*Коэффициент затухания: ≤ 0.01 (1 кГц)
*Температурный диапазон: -40 ~ +85°C
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