MKT capacitors, MKP capacitors, MKS film capacitors, X2 MKP Film Capacitors, Class X2 , Interference Suppression Film Capacitors, Audio Film Capacitors
jb capacitors company is the leading manufacturer for MKT, MKP, MKS film capacitors since 1980.
with " jb capacitors" good brand reputation, we win global markets with her high quality, competitive prices, short deilvery and prompt & professional services.
jb capacitors company give great support to our customers. Below we have three green leaflets prepared for our customers:

1. jb capacitors green leaflets----including all our product lines:
Mylar polyester fim capacitors, Metallized Polyester Film Capacitors, Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, X2 MKP Film Capacitors, Motor Starting/Motor Run Film Capacitors;
SMD/CHIP Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, Snap in, Screw and Photo Flash Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors.
2. X2 MKP Film Capacitors green leaflets---JFV series
JFV --X2 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, also called Class X2 Interference Suppression MKP Film Ccapacitors.
It is is our top sellers on markets, with ENEC, VDE, UL safety approvals for 275VAC, 305VAC, 310VAC.
3. Audio Film Capacitors leafletes---JFX series
JFX--Premium Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors , Axial lead.
It is specially used for high end audi products,eg: Amplifier, Loudspeakers, Cross-over, juke-box and high frequency network.