jb Welcome to Visit Our Booth at Munich Electronica 2014, Germany

jb Capacitors Company will exhibit at Munich Electronica in Germany again this November, from 11th. to 14th. November. 

Welcome you to visit our booth at B6.536/3, we prepared many free samples, leaflets, small gifts, welcome to fetch them.

jb Capacitors Company is a prefessional ISO manufacturer, mainly produce film capacitors and Electrolytic capacitors. Below are our most strong series, welcome any your inquiry.

Film Capacitors:
JFA- Mylar polyester capacitor
JFB- Metallized polyester film capacitors--dipped type
JFD- tallized polyester film capacitors--Box type
JFL- Metallized Polypropylene film capacitors, dipped type 
JFP-High voltagel metallized polypropylene film capacitors, dipped type (1000VDC ~2000VDC)
JFM- Metallized polypropylene film capacitors, Box type
JFQ- Double sided metallized polypropylene film capacitors, box type
JFV- X2 Metallized polypropylene film capacitors, ENEC VDE UL 
JFS- Motor Capacitors, total 28 types
JFG- Axial Metallized polyester & Polypropylene film capacitors (4 types)
JFX- Premium Metallized polypropylene film capacitors, Axial type


Electrolytic capacitors: 
Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors (JRA, JRB, JRC,JRD)
SMD Aluminum electrolytic capacitors. (JCS,JCK,JCC,JCD,JCE, JCL JCN,JCZ)
Snap-in Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors.(JNC,JNE,JNG,JNK)
Screw Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors.(JMJ,JML,JMN,JMQ)
Lug type Aluminum electrolytic capacitors(JSU, JSS,JSW,JST)


jb Audio Capacitor Shock Offer

We are happy to introduce our company best product to you. Very Low Dissipation Factor .
The best choice for your audio sounding applications. 

JFG - Axial Metallized Polyester & Polypropylene Film Capacitor
JFG series Cross guide: Acrotronics(Kemet): MKT A50, MKP A70, KP A72,  Vishay:  MKT1813, MKP1839, MKP1845; Epcos: B32231~32232, B32669 etc..

JFX - Premium Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors – Axial
JFX series is high end audio capacitors, excellent replacements of Mundor, Jantzen Audio, Auricap, Solen, etc..

Germany Fair Bulletin: jb capacitors company would like to invite you to visit our Booth No. B6.536/3 for 2014 Electronica in Munich, Germany, Date on Nov. 11th ~14th, 2014.

jb Capacitors Share Best Audio Capacitor JFX

We are happy to introduce our company best product to you. Very Low Dissipation Factor :
The best choice for your audio sounding applications. 

JFX - Super Premium Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors – Axial
JFX series is high end audio capacitors, excellent replacements of Mundor, Jantzen Audio, Auricap, Solen, etc..

Operating temperature :-55℃~+85℃
Capacitance range: 0.1~100uF
Capacitance tolerance :  ±3%(I)、±5%(J) 1KHz
Rated voltage :250V、400V、630V.DC
Withstand voltage: 1.5VR 5S
Dissipation factor :  ≤0.0020 1KHz
Insulate the electric resistance:   ≤0.33uF,≥15000MΩ,>0.33uF,≥5000 S
Leads Diameter: 0.6、0.8、1.0、1.2 Tinned Pure Copper

jb Condensatoare Motor

Se folosesc condensatoare in motor deoarece motorul are sie el partile de circuite electrice iar condensatoare motor isi au si si isi gasesc locul in orice fel de circuit electric. 
Fiind niste dispozitive care stocheaza energia electrica, condensatoare in motor se gasesc in motorul electric.

Motorul electric foloseste puterea de condensatoare in motor pentru a porni un rotor. Fara condensatoare, motor nu ar avea pur si simplu puterea de a porni rotatia rotorului dar cu ajutorul acestor condensatoare motor poate sa porneasca si sa mentina rotorul in miscare. 


Condensatoare de motor se pot schimba cu usurinta de catre un specilist, acestea sunt niste elemente pasive dar trbuiesc intretinute si verificate. 
Alte elemente pasive in afara de condensatoare motor sunt termistorii, manere, potentiometrele si rezistentele, printre acestea se regasesc bineinteles si condensatoare motor dar si cristalele de quart si filtr, bobine de inductie, varisori, filtre supresoare si bobine de protectie la supratensiuune. 

Cum spuneam, condensatoare motor sunt folosite pentru a porni un motor electric. Motorul electric monofazat are nevoie de condensatoare motor de pornire. 
Aceste condensatoare motor cresc cuplul de demarare al motorului, facand posibila pornirea motorului sub sarcina. 

Carcasa de la condensatoare motor este prevazuta cu un surub pentru montare si terminale sub forma unor conectori in general dubli. 
Pentru condensatoare motor sunt livrate separat si capace de protectie sau manere de montare, acestea sunt montate pe partea terminalelor iar alegerea de capace pentru condensatoare motor depinde de diametrul condensatoare motor.

jb Capacitors New Product Promotion in October 2014

October 1st, 2014 is Chinese National holiday annually. Our Company will have two days off, work as usual on Oct. 3 (Friday).

If you have any inquiries or order, please contact us without hesitation. We will reply and process your order timely after back!

Kindly focus on our New products:
♥JFYE - Box Type Met Polypropylene Film Capacitor For Power Meter
♥JRA - 2000H at 85'C, Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 
♥JRB - 1000H~2000H at 105'C, Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 
♥JRC - 2000H at 105'C, Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 
♥JRD - 2000H~5000H at 105'C, Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 
♥JCC - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000H at 85'C <Low Leakage(0.5~3.3μA max.>
♥JCD - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000H at 105'C <Low impedance>
♥JCE - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000H~3000H at 105'C
♥JCL - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 3000H~5000H at 105'C
♥JCN - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 1000H at 85'C <Bi-polar>
♥JCZ - SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 3000H at 105'C <Extra low impedance> 

SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors New Offer from jb Capacitors Company

jb Capacitors Company currently produce more SMD type aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Please check below and get more details from our website or contact our sales. 

JCS- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000hours at 85C' -- General purpose
JCK- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 1000~2000hours at 105C' -- General purpose
JCC- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000hours at 85C' -- Low Leakage(0.5~3.3μA max.)
JCD- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000hours at 105C' --Low impedance
JCE- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 2000~3000 hours at 105C'
JCL- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 3000~5000 hours at 105C'
JCN- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 1000 hours at 85C' -- Bi-polar
JCZ- SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 3000 hours at 105C' -- Extra low impedance

jb JFYE- Box Type Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, for Power Meter

jb Capacitors Company now produce JFYE series, specially designed for power meter. 

We have many customers buy X2 capacitors for power meters, they told us they meet some problems with X2 capacitors for power meter applications. 

And many power meter customers come to ask same question, seems they meet same problem with X2 capacitors for power meter applications, so we start to develop this few years ago, and after

Our long time design, revise and test, finally we got this series JFYE for power meter, increase testing voltage and change some raw material and added few production processor and test few more data. 

Please send your email to ask us more details. 

jb JFYE- Box Type Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors for Power Meter

Are you looking for better supplier for Box MPP cap used in power meter?

We have JFYE series, which enjoying very good reputation in power meter industry, very good & stable quality.
And we support Flexible MOQ, Competitive prices as start. you will not let down on our excellent offer and service.

If you have any new request or any questions, please send email to us freely.

JFYE- Box Type Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors, for Power Meter

Operating Temperature Range  : -40°C ~+110°C
Rated Voltage                                : 250VAC, 275VAC, 310VAC
Insulation Resistance                  : C 
 0.33μF: 15,000MΩ min
                                                            C > 0.33μF: 5,000MΩ/μF min
Dissipation Factor                        : 0.1% max at 1KHz

Please visit our website: 
www.jbcapacitors.com to get our JFYE PDF datasheet.
Common value: 0.1uF, 0.22uF, 0.33uF, 0.47uF, 0.68uF, 1uF, 2.2uF at 275VAC


jb Condensatoare Electrolitice

Condensatoare electrolitice utilizeaza pentru a stoca energie electrica un electrolit, acesta functioneaza cu un lichid ionic pe una dintre armaturi pentru a atinge o capacitate cat mai mare pe unitatea de volum decat alte tipuri de condensatoare non electrolitice.

Aceste modele de condensatoare electrolitice sunt adesea mentionate in electronica nu ca si condensatoare electrolitice dar ca electroliti. Condensatoare electrolitice sunt folosite in circuite electrice de intensitate mare dar cu frecventa joasa, condensatoare electrolitice fiind folosite in filtre alimentare in cazul in care este necesara incarcarea pentru a stoca tensiuni moderate de iesire si fluctuatii de curent. 

Astfel de tipuri de condensatoare electrolitice sunt utilizate pe scara larga ca condensatoare electrolitice de cuplare in circuitele de curent alternativ atunci cand este importanta transmiterea curentuli alternativ si nu a curentului durect. Condensatoare electrolitice pot fi din dou materiale, din aluminiu si tantal . 

Condensatoare electrolitice sunt apte pentru a furniza valori foarte mari a campului electric, valori mult mai mari decat orice alt tip de condensatoare non electrolitice dar au si dezavantaje care limiteaza utilizarea lor. 

Modelul standard in care sunt proiectate aceste condensatoare electrolitice prevede ca tensiunea aplicata sa fie polarizata, asta inseamna ca un singur terminal specific va trebui sa aibe intotdeauna un poternzial pozitiv in raport cu celelalte terminale. Din aceste motive condensatoare electrolitice nu pot fi folosite cu semnale de curent alternativ fara a exista un polarizator pentru curentul direct.

jb JML - Screw Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, High Reliability, Low Price

jb Capacitors started the development of Screw Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with large capacitance and for high ripple current, ahead of other companies. 

Now, our capacitors for mid- to high-voltage have a high market share. Our Screw Terminal Type Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors are used for inverters for computers, communication powers Hi-ripple circuit of electric vehicle, electric train, general-purpose inverter, in the fields that are required to offer high reliability. Following JML is one of our most popular series:

If you backed from Summer holiday, welcome to send your Inquiry!

JML - Screw Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, 2000H at 105'C, Long Life

Load life of 2000 hours at 105'C 
Size may be selected 
High ripple current 
Capacitance, Voltage: 2200uF~56000uF; 100V~400V.DC
Used for computers, communication powers Hi-ripple circuit of electric vehicle, electric train, general-purpose inverter