jb Competitive price for Tantalum Capacitors
We all know that Tantalum capacitor market situation is not stable now. But we jb is still trying to offer you the best price.
If you can let us know your demand, we will try our best to find the most suitable products for you. We have Dipped, SMD and Axial Wet types.
Tantalum Capacitors
JTA - Dipped Tantalum Capacitors
JTB - SMD Chip Tantalum Capacitors
JTC - SMD Chip Tantalum Capacitors Low ESR
JTD - SMD Conductive Polymer Chip Tantalum Capacitors
JTE - Axial Wet Tantalum Capacitors
JTF - Axial Wet Tantalum Capacitors
JTG - Axial Solid Tantalum Capacitors
Should you cannot find your ideal products, just send us your inquiry.