2017-9-28 1:16:48
Elektrolitik kondansatorlerde dielektrik madde olarak asit borik eriyigi ya da borakslı elektrolitler bulunur. İletken levhalar ise aluminyum ya da tantalyum plakalardır. Elektrolitik kondansatorler, kutuplu ya da kutupsuz olarak uretilirler. Kutuplu olan kondansatorler DC devrelere baglanırken artı ve eksi uclara dikkat edilmelidir. Yanlıs yapılan baglantılarda anotta bulunan oksit tabakası metal yuzeyi kısa devre edip, yuksek ısı olusumuna ve kondansatorun patlamasına yol acabilir.
Elektrolitik kondansatorler sıvılı tip ve kuru tip olarak ikiye ayrılır. Sıvılı tip elektrolitik kondansatorler sadece DC devrelerde kullanılabilen, pozitif levha olarak aluminyum barındıran kondansatorlerdir.
Bu tip kondansatorlere DC akım uygulandıgında, pozitif levha üzerinde yalıtkan bir oksit tabakası oluşarak dielektrik gibi davranır. Olusan bu tabaka cok ince oldugundan kondansatorun kapasitesi yuksek olur. Kuru tip elektrolitik kondansatorlerde ise elektrolitik sıvı yerine boraks eriyigi emdirilmis kagıt ya da bez kullanılır.
Elektrolitik kondansatorlerde bulunan elektrolitik sıvısı asırı sıcak nedeniyle zamanla kurumaya basladıgından, kondansatorun kapasite degeri dusebilir ve bu durum hassas devrelerin calısma sisteminde arızalara neden olabilir.

2017-9-20 23:48:28
Since 2005, jb Capacitors Company has been specialized in production of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, today we would like to introduce you JCS - the hot seller of SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors.
SMD E-Cap looks tiny and special, they can be widely used in so many ways, they’re much easier to place using automated assembly equipment.
JCS is round type, it has the greatest quality and favorable price, also short lead time. You can see the specification form down below.
Here is JCS PDF datasheet, you might want to check it out! http://www.jbcapacitors.com/pdf/JCS-2000H-at-85-SMD-Aluminum-Electrolytic-Capacitor.pdf
| JCS |
Operating Temperature | -40°C~ +85°C |
Voltage Range | 4V ~ 100V.DC |
Capacitance Range | 0.1 ~ 10000μF |
Capacitance Tolerance | ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C |
Leakage Current | Leakage current (Φ4~Φ10) ≤0.01CV or 3μA, whichever is greater.(after 2 minutes application of rated voltage) |
Leakage current (Φ12.5~Φ16) ≤0.03CV or 4μA, whichever is greater.(after 1 minutes application of rated voltage) |

2017-9-18 23:46:30
You may know we produce lots of capacitors. Their performance are well in every field.
Today, I am going to introduce one kind of capacitor.
They have good reputation in making audio equipment – JFX and JSX.
Our JFX and JSX series have got lots of approvals from many audio engineers
Our audio capacitors provide high sound quality with competitive prices
We have many manufacturers and distributors reorder every year.
If you are willing to know more about our JFX and JSX audio capacitor, please feel free to get on our website. There is more information you can find.
Or just send us a mail we will be glad to help you find the most suitable capacitors for you.
. Quick transient design
. High Precise Capacitance ± 3%, ± 5%
. Very low Dielectric absorption factor
. Very low Dissipation factor
. Very low ESR
. Very low Inductance
. Excellent handling of high current audio pulses

2017-6-27 3:5:2
Are you looking for competitive prices offer on high quality products? Please focus on jb capacitors company, a professinal manufacturer with more than 36 years history,
which mainly speciallized in MKT&MKP film capacitors, motor running capacitors and SMD, radail, large can aluminum electrolytic capcitors.
Nowadays, we have greatly promotional activities on strong series products. More favorable prices and faster delivery time are supportive!
Should have any interest, please just be free to send us your RFQ list, let's help you cost down. It will be a great pleasure to hear from you. Thank you.

2017-6-14 19:51:21
If you have more interested about the details, please jb capacitors offers high quality product of SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, with competitive prices and reliable customer service.
We have very competitive and special offer for SMD type e-caps during Summer, pls. feel free to send us your request.
1.Chip type, operationg with wide temperature range -40"C~+105"C.
2.Designed for surface mounting on high density circuit board
3.Emboss carrier tape packing system is available for automatic insertion;
Comply with the RoHS directive.
Operating Temperature: -40°C~+105°C
Voltage Range: 4-100V.DC
Capacitance Rang: 0.1μF ~1000μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C
Dimensions (Unit: mm):
4*5.4; 5*5.4; 6.3*5.4; 6.3*7.7; 8*6.2; 8*10.5; 10*10.5; 10*13.5; 12.5*13.5; 12.5*16; 16*16.5; 16*21.5
If you have more interested about the details, please reference:
jb capacitors International Company website and profile:

2017-5-9 21:23:34
We wish you enjoy holidays in May and also we would like to offer more competitive prices for our VIP customers in May.
Hot products and special offer in May:
SMD Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors, 2000hours at 85C’—JCS series
SMD Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors, 2000hours at 105C’—JCK series
Bigger quantity support even more better. Short lead time and reliable quality.
Pls. send us your RFQs for above two series, May is the right time for them.

2017-4-19 23:22:48
jb Capacitors, a professional manufacturer for aluminum electrolytic capacitors, and film capacitors.
Two factories, 3 branch offices: Taiwan, HongKong, Dongguan.
Our L/T for the aluminum ECap series improved much now. and especially when the quantity is bigger than MOQ, we can be more faster.
Some items we have free samples on stock now, please welcome to ask for free samples for testing!
Add Radial ECap + Large can type ECap picture below.

2017-4-5 21:57:13
jb capacitors offers high quality product of SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, with competitive prices and reliable customer service. Should have any possible inquiry, please be free to send us your RFQ, let's help you cost down. Great thanks.
1.Chip type, operationg with wide temperature range -40"C~+105"C.
2.Designed for surface mounting on high density circuit board
3.Emboss carrier tape packing system is available for automatic insertion;
Comply with the RoHS directive.
Operating Temperature: -40°C~+105°C
Voltage Range: 4-100V.DC
Capacitance Rang: 0.1μF ~1000μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz, 20°C
Dimensions (Unit: mm):
4*5.4; 5*5.4; 6.3*5.4; 6.3*7.7; 8*6.2; 8*10.5; 10*10.5; 10*13.5; 12.5*13.5; 12.5*16; 16*16.5; 16*21.5
If you have more interested about the details, please reference:
jb capacitors International Company website and profile:

2016-2-1 22:53:13
Dear All,
jb Capacitors Company had a year-end party to celebrate CNY, it was so funny!
In the party, we had many interesting games and exciting Lucky draw session, we drank, dancing, took photos.
And we had cosplay, the man disguised as a woman, and woman disguised as man, souds great, right?
If there also such party in your company at each year-end? welcome share with us some information about it. ;-)
Hope we jb Capacitors have a good luck in the new year 2016, and wish everybody have a good health, happy family.

2016-1-13 19:52:50
We would like to share the most common Radial Aluminum Electrolytic to our customers.
Please find below table for reference.
1000uF 10V +/-20% D*L: 8*14mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
1000uF 16V +/-20% D*L: 10*16mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
1000uF 25V +/-20% D*L: 10*20mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
1000uF 35V +/-20% D*L: 13*20mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
100uF 160V +/-20% D*L: 13*25mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
2200uF 16V +/-20% D*L: 10*20mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
2200uF 25V +/-20% D*L: 13*25mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
2200uF 35V +/-20% D*L: 16*25mm P: 7.5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
220uF 16V +/-20% D*L: 6.3*11mm P: 2.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
220uF 25V +/-20% D*L: 8*11.5mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
220uF 35V +/-20% D*L: 8*11.5mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
3300uF 50V +/-20% D*L: 18*40mm P: 7.5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
330uF 25V +/-20% D*L: 8*11.5mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
470uF 16V +/-20% D*L: 8*11.5mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
470uF 25V +/-20% D*L: 8*16mm P: 3.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
470uF 35V +/-20% D*L: 10*16mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
47uF 160V +/-20% D*L: 10*20mm P: 5mm 2000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
47uF 63V +/-20% D*L: 6.3*11mm P: 2.5mm 1000H at 105'C Bulk RoHS |
More information please check below link: