2018-6-12 16:43:16
The capacitors market is not stable recently, I believe you have also heard that E-Cap has raised prices in the Chinese market recently. Do you encounter such as trouble?
Are you feel difficult to find high cost performance capacitors?
In fact, jb is the best choice for you.
Plastic film capacitors and Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors are our strong products.
We have sorted out the Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Features list.
Would you like to check your E-CAP inquiry then send to us? I will sure offer you the best price!
jb THT(Radial)Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors |
| Load life | Temperature | Remark |
JRA | 2000hours | 85C' | General |
JRB | 2000hours | 105C' | General |
JRC | 2000hours | 105C' | High Frequency &Low Impedance |
JRD | 2000~5000hours | 105C' | long life &low impedance |
JRG | 4000~10000hours | 105C' | long life &Extremely Low Impedance |
JRW | 2000hours | 105C' | Extra Lower Impedance |
JRK | 2000hours | 105C' | Height 7mm |
JRJ | 1000hours | 85C' | Height 7mm |
JRQ | 1000hours | 105C' | Bi-polarized |
2018-5-15 11:14:42
JRA & JRB are very strong series in jb capacitors company
They are suitable for switch power supply and router products, which win the good response from our customers and receive lots of orders every year.
Because of the customers good support for many years, we enhance the our quality constantly and give feedback to market demand.
JRB is the standard type for radial aluminum capacitors, wide temperature range, miniature and large capacity, we provide high quality for sure.
To win your trust, we can offer free samples and competitive price for you!
If you are looking for the alternative power capacitors, please feel free to contact us!
We look forward to our nice beginning with you.

2017-9-28 1:16:48
Elektrolitik kondansatorlerde dielektrik madde olarak asit borik eriyigi ya da borakslı elektrolitler bulunur. İletken levhalar ise aluminyum ya da tantalyum plakalardır. Elektrolitik kondansatorler, kutuplu ya da kutupsuz olarak uretilirler. Kutuplu olan kondansatorler DC devrelere baglanırken artı ve eksi uclara dikkat edilmelidir. Yanlıs yapılan baglantılarda anotta bulunan oksit tabakası metal yuzeyi kısa devre edip, yuksek ısı olusumuna ve kondansatorun patlamasına yol acabilir.
Elektrolitik kondansatorler sıvılı tip ve kuru tip olarak ikiye ayrılır. Sıvılı tip elektrolitik kondansatorler sadece DC devrelerde kullanılabilen, pozitif levha olarak aluminyum barındıran kondansatorlerdir.
Bu tip kondansatorlere DC akım uygulandıgında, pozitif levha üzerinde yalıtkan bir oksit tabakası oluşarak dielektrik gibi davranır. Olusan bu tabaka cok ince oldugundan kondansatorun kapasitesi yuksek olur. Kuru tip elektrolitik kondansatorlerde ise elektrolitik sıvı yerine boraks eriyigi emdirilmis kagıt ya da bez kullanılır.
Elektrolitik kondansatorlerde bulunan elektrolitik sıvısı asırı sıcak nedeniyle zamanla kurumaya basladıgından, kondansatorun kapasite degeri dusebilir ve bu durum hassas devrelerin calısma sisteminde arızalara neden olabilir.

2017-4-27 1:18:45
Please check our below Hot seller series of Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors.
We will offer most competitive prices, high quality, attractive delivery time, and best customer service.
If you have any inquiry, please send us RFQs asap, let's help you cost down.
Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors |
Series | Load life | Temperature | Remark |
JRA | 2000H at 85°C, | 85°C | standard type |
JRB | 2000H at 105°C | 105°C | standard type |
JRC | 2000H at 105°C | 105°C | Low Impedance |
JRD | 5000H at 105°C | 105°C | Low Impedance |
JRG | 10000H at 105°C | 105°C | Exremely Impedance |
We sincerely look forward to your business chance!
jb Capacitors Company
----We are just your best choice

2016-12-14 18:28:2
As known, jb produce high quality Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors but good prices. Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, with miniaturized size and wide temperature, low impedance and high ripple current, are used in a wide range of fields.
Below are some products of Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors for your reference:
JRA - 2000H at 85°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
JRB - 2000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
JRC - 2000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
JRD - 5000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
For more information about our Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, please visit:

2016-8-15 23:46:57
jb capacitors company not only produce film capacitors, but also supply many kinds of electrolytic capacitors now.
Welcome send us your request @ info@jbcapacitors.com.
You will receive very satified offer and support from us.
SMD type Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors
SMD Type | Load life | Temperature | Remark |
JCS | 2000hours | 85°C | General |
JCK | 1000hours~2000hours | 105°C | General |
JCC | 2000hours | 85°C | Low Leakage |
JCD | 2000hours | 105°C | low Impedance |
JCE | 2000hours~3000hours | 105°C | Long Life Assurance |
JCL | 3000hours~5000hours | 105°C | Long Life Assurance |
JCN | 1000hours | 85°C | Bi-polar |
JCZ | 3000hours | 105°C | Extra Lower Impedance |
THT Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
THT Radial Type | Load life | Temperature | Remark |
JRA | 2000hours | 85°C | General |
JRB | 2000hours | 105°C | General |
JRC | 2000hours | 105°C | Low Impedance |
JRD | 3000hours~5000hours | 105°C | Extra Low Impedance |
JRG | 4000hours~10000hours | 105°C | Long Life and Low Impedance |
Snap-in Aluminum electrolytic capacitors
Snap-in Type | Load life | Temperature | Remark |
JNC | 2000~3000hours | 85°C | Speaker Network |
JNE | 2000hours | 105°C | Miniaturized |
JNJ | 3000hours | 105°C | High Ripple Current and Long Life |
JNG | 5000hours | 85°C | High Ripple Current and Long Life |
JNK | 5000hours | 105°C | Extended Lifetime and High ripple current |

2016-5-17 0:9:30
After updated the RoHS2.0 for radial type aluminum electrolytic capacitors, we updated our certificate for ISO again in March.
And we will update the RoHS2.0 for all film capacitors and SMD type aluminum electrolytic capacitors
jb capacitors are working more hard to get the best support for our customers, we are looking forward to win more & more market shares together with our customers.
We welcome more win-win cooperations.
2016-3-2 19:14:44
Good news to announce that we updated jb Radial Electrolytic Capacitors RoHS 2.0 report at the early of 2016.
The goods we supply are with RoHS compliant and lead free.
Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors include below series, other specification available on request.
JRA - 2000H at 85°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (Hot)
JRB - 2000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors(Hot)
JRC - 2000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
JRD - 5000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
JRG - 10000H at 105°C, Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
More information please check below link:

2015-12-9 22:55:16
Hello, dear VIP customer,
How are you? We bring a very good news. As Christmas holiday is coming, to let new & old customer win more profits, for good & long order list, we do special offer some discount.
Are you prepare for new order list now? Please contact us at once, let's cost down for you. :))
Our very strong series as below:
JFG - Axial Metallized Polyester & Polypropylene Film Capacitors
JFZ - X2 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor (310VAC) Top seller item
JFX/ JSX- Axial Audio Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors
JRA/ JRB- Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 2000H at 85°C/ 105°C Top seller item
SMD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor (85°C/ 105°C)
JFS - Motor capacitors CBB60~CBB65
Wish you Merry Christmas & Happy new year in advance!
From jb Capacitors Company sales department
For more products information please check: http://www.jbcapacitors.com/

2015-11-2 20:11:6
Global Aluminum electrolytic capacitors supply market has become increasingly mature, mainly concentrated in Japan, China, Taiwan and South Korea and other regions.
From the industry's overall competition of recent years, Japan has been leading in the industry of aluminum capacitor the leading level in the world.
The five largest Aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturers, the top four companies are all Japanese manufacturers, they are Chemi-Con, Rubycon, Nichicon, Panasonic and Sanyo.
Another leading supplier TDK Aluminum electrolytic capacitors manufacturing base distribution on three continents, the largest factory in Hungary szombathely, about half of the revenue comes from here.
Two more base Gravatai of xiamen in China and Brazil, respectively, about a quarter of the total respectively.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitor has great capacity of unit volume, static large capacity, high volume, easy to miniaturization, self-healing properties, low prices ..ect unique advantages.
As expected, in the next five years, the Aluminum electrolytic capacitor's total market will grow at an annual rate of about 5%, which is applied in power electronics, renewable energy and stepless variable speed drive....ect, the total market growth rate is getting growing.
From jb Capacitors Company