jb Testimonial of JFX Premium and JSX Superior MKP Audio Cap

In the search of a affordable audio capacitors for decoupling purpose, I have got the JFX and JSX series from jb Capacitors. Now I will explain how they are compared with a a few others of similar size range.

Tested capacitors:
JSX: 2.2uF/250V
JFX: 2.2uF/400V
Mundorf Mcap 2.2uF/250V
Mundorf EVO 2.2uF/450V
Clarity Cao PX 2.2uF/250V

To have similar requirements I have a relay switch board next to my  pre-amp direct out from DAC. All DC coupled and no other capacitors in this way. DAC output impedance is 47Ohm, Pre-amp impedance is 470kOhm. These are very common values and should be give a good start point for comparisons. I can switch direct from capacitor to capacitor and DC coupled.

Mesurements are all very good. most below my measuring equipment. The tolerances where all below the printed 5%(JFX) and 3%(JSX). I have measured 1.36% and 0.99%.
The dielectric dissipation factor has been tan:<0.001 at 1kHz.

Listening test:
JSX: Clear, detailed, wide and open up presentation
JFX:  Detailed, gives a realistic soundstage and stress free listening. very natural and a good tonal balance. My favourite for acoustic instruments and voices.

Clear with more midrange. Makes sound a bit hard and grained.

Detailed and holographic presentation, seems to be a bit louder, but tonal balance is not perfect. After longer listening I feel like disrupted soundstage. 

Clarity Cap PX:
Musical and warm, but less detailed.

After burning in with 24hrs:
JFX: well balanced with more 3 dimensional stage, warm finish
JSX: clean and clear with rich details, but flatter sound stage
Overall both types are very high quality and for sure a good choice for a competitive price.

jb Capacitors has surprised me with excellent capacitors. They are not expensive, small sized and good sounding. They beat most of even more expensive capacitors. Well done!

Best regards

More information please check below link:

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