2018-5-4 14:32:45
We designed a new online catalog for class X2 capacitors JFW, which will not be printed due to environmental purpose. JFW is our best seller among all of our plastic film capacitors. Our 310VAC JFW X2 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors is granted with VDE, ENEC, UL RoSH and Reach Certifications.
More full details about The Class X2 Capacitors JFW, please log in below link:

2016-1-20 19:6:33
In year 2015, jb Capacitors added below Strong Products to our production line.
We wish to give you best support in year 2016. Let us work together to make more business chance.
JFZ-X2 310VAC met polypropylene film capacitors
JFS-Motor Running capacitors
JSX-Superior metallized polypropylene Cap.
JRB-105°C Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
If you need to know more detailed information, please check below link for reference.
jb Capacitors Company Home Page of Catalog
jb Capacitors Company JFA to JFL (Polyester & Polypropylene Film Capacitors)
jb Capacitors Company JFM to JFZ (Plastic Film Capacitors & Motor Capacitors)
jb Capacitors Company JCS to JSW (SMD E Cap,Radial & Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors)